The Center for Accelerated Real Time Analytics (CARTA) is as a National Science Foundation (NSF) sponsored Industry and University Cooperative Research Center (I/UCRC). It consists of  the following 4 independent sites:

  1. Rutgers University New Brunswick
  2. UMBC
  3. Arizona State University
  4. University of Miami

CARTA started its 5 year I/UCRC first phase in 2018.

The motivation for CARTA is the lack of AI and Data Science methods and solutions for addressing the ever increasing amounts of industry-related data. The focus is on data sets that are massive, dynamic, complex and multidimensional. The goal of the center is to discover, develop and apply AI and Data Science solutions to industry problems such that the seemingly chaotic data and ensuing knowledge is transformed into industry products. CARTA is an evolution of the Dynamic Data-Driven Application System (DDDAS) paradigm.


The mission of CARTA is to conduct integrative, multi-disciplinary, transformative research and development, at the pre-competitive stage, that will (i) analyze and visualize massive, complex, multi-dimensional and multi-scale dynamic data to transform chaos into knowledge, and (ii) be applicable to many industrial sectors, such as healthcare, finance, security, search, and entertainment.


Projects at CARTA are most closely aligned to the industries of healthcare, finance, security/defense, technology, data mining, social networking and entertainment. For organizational purposes within CARTA, we typically divide our projects into two groups, noting there is often overlap in the project areas. Those groups are Analytics and Reasoning (textual analysis, anomaly detection, string mining, etc.) and Imaging and Visualization (analytics performed on visual data and/or visual representation of data


CARTA is staffed by world-class researchers and is backed by one of the largest universities in the United States. Under the leadership of Dr. Dimitris Metaxas (Director), CARTA brings together a multitude of talent for a common purpose.